
Types representing RGB or RGBA colors. The decoded color will be displayed in their color field



Type representing a generic RGB color with a variable number of bits for each color

  • <R>: Number of bits used for the red component

  • <G>: Number of bits used for the green component

  • <B>: Number of bits used for the blue component

using RGB<auto R, auto G, auto B> = type::RGBA;


Type representing a RGBA color with 4 bits for the red component, 4 bits for green, 4 bits for blue and 4 bits for alpha

using RGB4444 = type::RGBA;


Type representing a RGB color with 5 bits for the red component, 6 bits for green and 5 bits for blue

using RGB565 = type::RGB;


Type representing a RGB color with 8 bits for the red component, 8 bits for green and 8 bits for blue

using RGB8 = type::RGB;


Type representing a generic RGBA color with a variable number of bits for each color

  • <R>: Number of bits used for the red component

  • <G>: Number of bits used for the green component

  • <B>: Number of bits used for the blue component

  • <A>: Number of bits used for the alpha component

bitfield RGBA<auto R, auto G, auto B, auto A> { ... } [[sealed, format, color]];


Type representing a RGBA color with 5 bits for the red component, 5 bits for green, 5 bits for blue and 1 bits for alpha

using RGBA5551 = type::RGBA;


Type representing a RGBA color with 8 bits for the red component, 8 bits for green, 8 bits for blue and 8 bits for alpha

using RGBA8 = type::RGBA;

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