Data Types

Built-in primitive data types

Types are the fundamental entity defining how a certain region of memory should be interpreted, formatted and displayed.

Built-in Types

Unsigned Integers

Unsigned integer types represent regular binary numbers. They are displayed as a integer value ranging from 00 to (28Size1)(2^{8*Size}-1).



1 Byte


2 Bytes


3 Bytes


4 Bytes


6 Bytes


8 Bytes


12 Bytes


16 Bytes

Signed Integers

Signed integer types represent signed binary numbers in Two's Complement representation. They are displayed as a integer value ranging from (28Size1)-(2^{8*Size}-1) to (28Size1)1(2^{8*Size}-1) - 1



1 Byte


2 Bytes


3 Bytes


4 Bytes


6 Bytes


8 Bytes


12 Bytes


16 Bytes

Floating Points

Floating Point types represent a floating pointer number. On most modern platforms this is IEEE754 but it's not guaranteed.



Unspecified (4 Bytes, IEEE754 usually)


Unspecified (8 Bytes, IEEE754 usually)




1 Byte

ASCII Character


2 Bytes

UTF-16 Wide Character


1 Byte

Boolean value true/false



Heap allocated String, can only be used in functions



Automatic type inferring, can only be used in functions


By default all built-in types are interpreted in native endianness. Meaning if the runtime is running on a little endian machine, all types will be treated as little endian. On a big endian machine they will be treated as big endian.

However it’s possible to override this default on a global, per-type or per-variable basis. Simply prefix any type with the le for little endian or be for big endian keyword:

le u32 myUnsigned;  // Little endian 32 bit unsigned integer
be double myDouble; // Big endian 64 bit double precision floating point
s8 myInteger;       // Native endian 8 bit signed integer

Refer to the endianness pragma for setting the global endianness.


Literals are fixed values representing a specific constant. The following literals are available:


Decimal Integer

42, -1337

Unsigned 32 bit integer


Signed 32 bit integer

69, -123

Hexadecimal Integer


Binary Integer


Octal Integer





3.14159, 1.414D


true, false




"Hello World"


Enums are a data type that consist of a set of named constants of a specific size.

They are particularly useful for associating meaning to a value found in memory. Defining an enum works similar to other C-like languages. The first entry in the enum will be associated the value 0x00 and each following one will count up from there. If an entry has an explicit value assigned to it, every entry following it will continue counting from there.

enum StorageType : u16 {
  Plain,    // 0x00
  Compressed = 0x10,
  Encrypted // 0x11

The type following the colon after the enum name declares the enum’s underlying type and can be any built-in datatype. This type only affects the enum’s size.

Enum Range

Sometimes, a range of values can refer to the same enum value, in which case enum ranges can be useful. Enum ranges will cause all values inside of the specified range to be visualized as that enum entry. When using a range value in a mathematical expression, it will yield the start value of the range.

enum NumberType : u16 {
  Unsigned      = 0x00 ... 0x7F,
  Signed        = 0x80,
  FloatingPoint = 0x90


Arrays are a contiguous collection of one or more values of the same type.

Constant sized array

A constant size can be specified by entering the number of entries in the square brackets. This value may also name another variable which will be read to get the size.

u32 array[100] @ 0x00;

Unsized array

It’s possible to leave the size of the array empty in which case it will keep on growing until it hits an entry which is all zeros.

char string[] @ 0x00;

Loop sized array

Sometimes arrays need to keep on growing as long as a certain condition is met. The following array will grow until it hits a byte with the value 0xFF.

u8 string[while(std::mem::read_unsigned($, 1) != 0xFF)] @ 0x00;

Optimized arrays

Big arrays take a long time to compute and take up a lot of memory. Because of this, arrays of built-in types are automatically optimized to only create one instance of the array type and move it around accordingly.

The same optimization can be used for custom types by marking them with the [[static]] attribute. However this can only be done if the custom type always has the same size and same memory layout. Otherwise results may be invalid!


char and char16 types act differently when they are used in an array. Instead of displaying as an array of characters, they are displayed as a String instead; terminated by a null byte in the following example.

char myCString[];
char16 myUTF16String[];


Pointers are variables that treat their value as an address to find the address of the value they are pointing to.

u16 *pointer : u32 @ 0x08;

This code declares a pointer whose address is a u32 and points to a u16.

u32 *pointerToArray[10] : s16 @ 0x10;

This code declares a pointer to an array of 10 u32's and the pointer has a size of s16

The address will always be treated as absolute. Make sure to set the base address of your data correctly in order for pointers to work as intended.


Bitfields are similar to structs but they address individual, unaligned bits instead. They can be used to decode bit flags or other types that use less than 8 bits to store a value.

bitfield Permission {
  r : 1;
  w : 1;
  x : 1;

Each entry inside of a bitfield consists of a field name followed by a colon and the size of the field in bits. A single field cannot occupy more than 64 bits.

Bitfields can also be nested or used as arrays inside of other bitfields. In this case, alignment rules do not apply within the bitfield but only once the outer-most bitfield is placed within a struct type.

Bitfield field types

By default, every bitfield field is interpreted as a unsigned value, however it's also possible to interpret it as a signed number, boolean or enum as well.

bitfield TestBitfield {
    regular_value           : 4;    // Regular field, regular unsigned value
    unsigned unsigned_value : 5;    // Unsigned field, same as regular_value
    signed   signed_value   : 4;    // Signed field, interpreting the value as two's complement
    bool     boolean_value  : 1;    // Boolean field, 
    TestEnum enum_value     : 8;    // Enum field, displays the enum value corresponding to that value

Besides this, it's also possible to interleave regular types with bitfield fields

bitfield InterleavedBitfield {
    field_1 : 4;
    field_2 : 2;
    u16 regular_value;

Using full sized fields in a bitfield will always cause the current bit offset within the bitfield to be aligned to the next full byte boundary.


It’s also possible to insert padding in between fields using the padding syntax.

bitfield Flags {
  a : 1;
  b : 2;
  padding : 4;
  c : 1;

This inserts a 4 bit padding between field b and c.


Structs are data types that bundle multiple variables together into one single type.

A very simple struct for a 3D vector of floats might look like this:

struct Vector3f {
  float x, y, z;

Placing it into memory using the placement syntax will place all members of the struct directly adjacent to each other starting at the specified address.


By default there’s no padding between struct members. This is not always desired so padding can be inserted manually if needed using the padding keyword.

struct Vector3f {
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;

This code will insert a 4 byte padding between the members x and y as well as a 8 byte padding between y and z.


Inheritance allows copying all members of the parent struct into the child struct, making them available there.

struct Parent {
  u32 type;
  float value;

struct Child : Parent {
  char string[];

The struct Child now contains type, value and string.

Anonymous members

It’s possible to declare variables inside of structs or unions without giving them a name. This is useful when you know that there’s a pattern of a certain type at this offset but the name of the variable is not known yet or isn’t important.

struct MyStruct {

Conditional parsing

The pattern language provides advanced features that allow for much more complex struct definitions, these features are detailed on the Control Flow page.


Unions are similar to structs in that they bundle multiple variables together into a new type, however instead of these variables being placed consecutively, they all share the same start address.

This can be useful to interpret and inspect data as multiple different types as shown here:

union Converter {
  u32 integerData;
  float floatingPointData;

Using declarations

Using declarations are useful to give existing types a new name and optionally add extra specifiers to them. The following code creates a new type called Offset which is a big endian 32 bit unsigned integer. It can be used in place of any other type now.

using Offset = be u32;

Forward declaration

When having two types that recursively reference each other, it’s required to forward declare one of the types so all types are known to the runtime when needed.

This can be done with the using TypeName; syntax.

// Tell the language that there will be a type named B in the future so if it encounters
// a variable with this type, it has to postpone the parsing until the type has been declared
using B;

struct A {
  bool has_b;

  if (has_b)
    B b;

struct B {
  bool has_a;

  if (has_a)
    A a;


Templates can be used to substitute parts of a custom type’s member’s types with placeholders which can then be defined later on when instantiating this type.

Templates can be used with struct, union and using declarations:

struct MyTemplateStruct<T> {
  T member;

union MyTemplateStruct<Type1, Type2> {
  Type1 value1;
  Type2 value2;

using MyTemplateUsing<Type1> = MyTemplateStruct<Type1, u32>;

These templates can then be used to create concrete types:

MyTemplateStruct<u32, u64> myConcreteStruct @ 0x00;

Non-Type Template Parameters

It’s also possible to use templates to pass expressions to types. Examples for this are numbers, strings or variables (including custom types).

To mark a template parameter as a non-type template parameter, use the auto keyword.

struct Array<T, auto Size> {
  T data[Size];

Array<u32, 0x100> array @ 0x00;

Pattern local variables

It’s possible to declare local variables inside of patterns that don’t show up in the final type but can be used to store information for later use. To declare a local variable, simply initialize it with a value using the = operator.

struct MyType {
    u32 x, y, z; // Regular members
    float localVariable = 0.5; // Local variable

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