
Library to interact with strings.



A null-terminated ASCII string.

using NullString = std::string::NullStringBase;


A null-terminated UTF-16 string.

using NullString16 = std::string::NullStringBase;


Base type for null-terminated strings. Represents a string with its size determined by the first 0x00 byte found.

  • <DataType>: The type of the characters.

struct NullStringBase<> { ... } [[sealed, format, transform]];


A ASCII string with a prefixed size.

  • <SizeType>: The type of the size field.

using SizedString<SizeType> = std::string::SizedStringBase;


A UTF-16 string with a prefixed size.

  • <SizeType>: The type of the size field.

using SizedString16<SizeType> = std::string::SizedStringBase;


Base type for sized strings. Represents a string with its size preceding it.

  • <SizeType>: The type of the size field.

  • <DataType>: The type of the characters.

struct SizedStringBase<, > { ... } [[sealed, format, transform]];



Gets the length of a string.

  • string: The string to get the length of.

  • return: The length of the string.

fn length(str string);


Gets the character at a given index.

  • string: The string to get the character from.

  • index: The index of the character to get.

  • return: The character at the given index.

fn at(str string, u32 index);


Gets a substring of a string.

  • string: The string to get the substring from.

  • pos: The position of the first character of the substring.

  • count: The number of characters to get.

  • return: The substring.

fn substr(str string, u32 pos, u32 count);


Converts a string to an integer.

  • string: The string to convert.

  • base: The base of the number.

  • return: The integer.

fn parse_int(str string, u8 base);


Converts a string to a float.

  • string: The string to convert.

  • return: The float.

fn parse_float(str string);


Converts any type to a string.

  • x: The value to convert.

  • return: The string.

fn to_string(auto x);


Checks if a string starts with a given substring.

  • string: The string to check.

  • part: The substring to check for.

  • return: True if the string starts with the substring, false otherwise.

fn starts_with(str string, str part);


Checks if a string ends with a given substring.

  • string: The string to check.

  • part: The substring to check for.

  • return: True if the string ends with the substring, false otherwise.

fn ends_with(str string, str part);


Checks if a string contains a given substring.

  • string: The string to check.

  • part: The substring to check for.

  • return: True if the string contains the substring, false otherwise.

fn contains(str string, str part);


Reverses a string.

  • string: The string to reverse.

  • return: The reversed string.

fn reverse(str string);


Converts a string to upper case.

  • string: The string to convert.

  • return: The converted string.

fn to_upper(str string);


Converts a string to lower case.

  • string: The string to convert.

  • return: The converted string.

fn to_lower(str string);


Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another substring.

  • string: The string to replace in.

  • pattern: The substring to replace.

  • replace: The substring to replace with.

  • return: The string with the replacements.

fn replace(str string, str pattern, str replace);

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